Walking The Tight Rope


Have you ever been to the circus and watched the performers walk the tight rope? I have always been fascinated with the bravery of these people. They put their trust in this thin piece of cable. It will only take one little slip up and they can seriously injure themselves.

However, the performers continue to trust their preparation and that dreaded cable.

We must be the same way with God. We must be brave and step out on the cable of faith and trust that God will keep us.

But who do we put our faith and trust in? It is so easy to fall into the trap of putting our trust in people, things or even ourselves.

However, none of these things have the the ability to keep us over the long haul.

We must seek to fasten our hope to the eternal things. The temporal things like: Money, people, power, toys (cars, houses, devices, earthly pleasures) are just temporary. These things (temporal things) are made for our earthly use and pleasures not our godly purpose.

God has made it clear that if we would trust Him in all things, he would faithfully and lovingly bring us through this life.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

As we are seeking our purpose in God we can have hope that God has the answers to our greatest needs. So, I think we must rely on Him with our whole heart.

Turning It All Over To Him


What does that look like? Good question. When we are feeling lost, broken, frustrated or doubtful about tomorrow we will pray instead of worrying about what comes next in our lives. We will set our hearts on pleasing the Master and forsake self gratifying desires.

When we say we trust God... We are saying, "Lord I know you have my best interest at heart and whatever you decide I am going to be okay with it."

Trusting God doesn't mean we will like every decision that He makes on our behalf. However, trusting God means: I know that you know what you are doing God and though I don't understand why or even how I am going to overcome this obstacle...I will rely on you to make a way.

The Blueprint

Life has its many challenges and complexities but life doesn't have God...We do! We must put our faith in God that he will either fix the situation or give us the grace to bear it.

Our hearts must be truly open to receiving whatever God allows in our lives. God wants us to make him responsible for taking care of us. So lets just do just that...give Him sole responsibility over our lives.


Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, first I want to thank you for your goodness, your mercy and your patience. There are many times that I have needed your forgiveness and I thank you that you have always been there. Lord God, I pray for your strength to trust you when I don't understand what you are doing. Lord, I pray that you will keep me when I have become doubtful and discouraged about tomorrow...please make your will clear to me Father. Help me to accept all of your decisions concerning my life and I will always be careful to give you the praise. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.
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Making An Impact Christian Podcast Show

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